Energy management – Part of the here and now.

January 26, 2021

The beginning of a new year is a moment that prompts us to pause and reflect. Some people eagerly look ahead, making resolutions full of optimism. For others who focus on living life in the PRESENT, it’s a time to look back and assess the previous year, to think of the coming year and to make plans.

Energy management takes place in the here and now, i.e. the PRESENT.

The BEC stresses motivation and commitment. We know climate change has already made lasting impacts, which means that we need to respond collectively.

In my last newsletter I mentioned how we need to adapt the Building Energy Challenge to reflect the current context. One new addition is the RESILIENCE Award, which honours organizations that have maintained the spirit and objectives of the BEC despite the pandemic.

This year the awards night will be quite special. It will take the form of a hybrid event that we hope will bring us all together. The Innovation and Dynamic Spirit evening will take place on May 13. It will be a combination of the Building Energy Challenge night and the 2021-22 BOMA Awards Gala.

Please note that you have until February 28 to register for Year 3 of the BEC. Go for it! There’s still time.

During our review of 2020, we noted the impact of the pandemic on the energy efficiency processes of participants. Except for certain real estate sectors, most benefited from energy savings attributable to the fact that their buildings were unoccupied. In that context, the BEC has become more than a competition. It now also emphasizes active participation and engaging with others to counter the effects of climate change.

I encourage anyone who might have doubts about the possibility or likelihood of winning an award to look at your positioning and your energy management in 2020, aspects that the BEC takes into consideration.

It’s time to assess energy consumption and management in 2020. Start by entering your 2020 data into ESPM. The BEC won’t let you down. We will answer your questions and provide support throughout the competition. Keep abreast of our postings and newsletters, and become one of those who, despite the crisis, demonstrate resilience and sound energy management.

You will also find in this newsletter information on the next webinar, one I am pleased to be hosting. It will provide clear, simple steps for entering data into ESPM. It is addressed to everyone involved in data entry, from administrative assistants to consultants, to those in charge of operations, etc. The webinar will include a brief review of the app and the possibilities that ESPM offers. We’ll look at best practices for data entry and will answer all your questions on the subject.

Note that your 2020 results will position your building(s) in terms of organizational maturity, sound operational energy management, resilience in coping with the crisis and ability to adapt to a period of turbulent building occupancy. Your information will then be compared with that of your real estate peers.

Once again, this is an opportunity to show leadership and true grit.

May 2021 be constructive and satisfying for one and all.

Keep up the good work!

Mario Poirier
Program Manager






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