On your marks for the Final Stretch – Year 4!

May 13, 2021

At the BOMA Quebec Grand Gala on May 13, the 3rd BEC awards event honoured participants whose efforts in 2020 were noteworthy. Those who took part certainly noticed a real estate industry mobilized and committed to the compelling issues of climate change and responsible energy management.

After 3 years certain participants stand out as leaders while others strive, using all the resources at their disposal, to make energy management a top priority supported by concrete gestures and actions. There are also those who observe and are now in a position to evaluate their potential for improvement, and perhaps eventually actively join the competition. In fact, you are all contributing to changing the energy management culture. You are assuming control of a major real estate budget item. You are now able to see that it is possible to act, and that the BEC team of collaborators supports you in your efforts.

We are already in the 4th year of our competition. The BEC will continue to pursue improved energy performance in buildings in 2021, but note that this last year of the competition will turn the spotlight on all those who achieve the minimum 10% GHG reduction target since base year 2018. Now is the time to take action with your projects and focus on sound energy management. There is also still time for you to include other buildings in your portfolio not yet registered in the BEC, buildings that are on track to achieve that 10% goal.

We closed the year 2020 with this gala. The technical committee continues to support you with webinars and technical communiqués. Public authorities have reaffirmed that climate change and GHG reduction are a major priority. It’s time for you to follow suit if you haven’t done so, to take stock and to make your own targets a top priority. We are currently working on extending the BEC. Your results and accountability for energy management are the best contributions you can make. Our commitment is solid. We are here to help you, and all of us are working together for a great cause.

From the bottom of my heart, many thanks to our BEC partners. These include the:

Founding Partners:       City of Montreal and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

Major Partners:            Hydro-Québec and Énergir

Associate Partners:       Natural Resources Canada and the Société de financement et                                                             d’accompagnement en performance énergétique.

Thanks to you, anything is possible. Your support is invaluable.

My sincere congratulations to all the finalists and winners of Year 3.

Onward and upward!


Mario Poirier
Program Director



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