What a year! Compilation of BEC results now underway.

March 29, 2021

I emphasized in my last article that we are approaching the finish line for BEC 2020. Baseball fans of a certain age will remember Yogi Berra’s advice that “It ain’t over till it’s over“. Don’t give up.

You’ve outdone yourselves. 179 participants have entered their data into ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, thus sharing the information with the BEC. In light of the chaotic period that the real estate sector experienced over the past year, all of you are winners indeed!

More than 40 new buildings are taking part in the BEC, and one building manager singlehandedly entered 20 new buildings in the competition a few days before the February 28 deadline. That gives real meaning to Yogi Berra’s adage and to the Building Energy Challenge on the whole, with its emphasis on healthy competition, participation and seeking new challenges. You can only win if you dare to commit.

The approach is simple – monitor and thus comprehend your energy consumption via ESPM, apply ongoing efforts at improvement (make choices and act on them), and have your energy leadership acknowledged by your peers at the upcoming BOMA Quebec Grand Gala which will take place on May 13.

Access to the BEC public report on data collected is now available (in french only). Be patient, for these are only the initial results for 2020. Overall energy results and your individual energy performance will be available soon. We are currently determining the individual awards to be given to this year’s winners. As for the competitive aspect of the BEC, grouping of similar buildings per category is now complete. We are compiling your answers to the questionnaires, and some of you will be contacted as needed in order to clarify or improve your answers before we determine the finalists and the winners.

In the meantime, continue to stay attuned to opportunities and to monitor energy consumption for 2021. Take advantage of all the resources at your disposal. We’ve put them out there to support your efforts.


Mario Poirier
Program Director


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