What’s new in financial assistance programs for Energy Efficiency?

January 26, 2021

Hydro-QuébecHydro Québec - Logo

Financial incentives are now up to twice as high as previous levels. Moreover, incentive compensation is now available for business partners willing to participate in Hydro-Québec programs, and to promote energy efficiency projects.

Support for the efficient electrification of industrial buildings and procedures of corporate clients who have made the decision to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has also been increased. New automated procedures, notably for upgrading industrial refrigeration systems and installing thermal storage equipment, have been introduced. In addition, the OSE financial assistance calculation tool has been simplified, and is now easier to use.

Further details available on the Efficient Solutions Program website: programme Solutions efficaces d’Hydro-Québec.


ÉnergirÉnergir - Logo

The Study and Implementation category now accepts more heat recovery measures, along with heat recovery projects involving sources other than natural gas and heat recovery using heat pumps. The financial assistance available has been increased significantly.

Moreover, until March 31, 2021, Énergir is offering a 50% bonus on grants to install high efficiency natural gas equipment: boilers, hot water tanks, combo (heating and hot water) systems, unit heaters and infrared heating systems.

More details available on the site web d’Énergir.


MERN (previously TEQ)

With its energy transition, innovation and efficiency Master Plan, the Quebec government is committed to improving its programs so as to better respond to the expectations of its clientele, focusing its interventions on market transformation in different sectors. To encourage conversions to clean energy, on January 1, 2001 new approaches were introduced to programs aimed at commercial, industrial and institutional clients (ÉcoPerformance, Bioénergies and Transportez vert). The improvements aim to reach a maximum number of participants. Eligibility criteria have been expanded, percentages of eligible expenses increased and options for participation simplified. Discover all the details at



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